Pressestimmen & Reviews

Der Action-RPG-Ableger des Hauptspiels.
Beiträge: 4145
Registriert: Mo 22. Mär 2010, 00:24
Lieblings-Suikoden: Suikoden II
Lieblingscharakter: Mukumuku ^_^
Quiz-Punkte: 13
Wohnort: Ruhrgebiet

Pressestimmen & Reviews

Beitrag von Antimatzist »

Hier können wir ja mal Reviews zum Spiel sammeln! Unser eigenes Review findet ihr hier! - 9/10 ( ... ng-switch/)
Alles in allem ist für mich Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising eine kleine Perle. Zwar schwebt über all den tollen Aspekten des Spiels dieser nervige Begriff der Monotonie, dieser setzte sich jedoch nie wirklich fest, da mich immer wieder kleine Spielelemente dazu motivierten, weiterzumachen oder auch die Story Überraschendes zu bieten hatte. Es ist aber nicht von der Hand zu weisen, dass es nervige Sequenzen gibt, in welchen nur von A nach B gelaufen wird, um Gegenstände zu sammeln oder diese abzugeben. Das Spiel belohnt einen aber dafür auch immer wieder mit eben jenen Aspekten. Solltet ihr euch darauf einlassen können, werdet ihr für rund 15 Euro viele tolle Stunden mit der Nintendo Switch verbringen. - 5/10 ( ... cle-rising)
Do you enjoy waiting for public transit in the rain? Could you bear sitting next to a screaming toddler on a transatlantic flight? Do you think you’d derive pleasure from chopping down trees in the Great Forest over and over again until you had enough light lumber to fulfil three or four requests? If so, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising has a delightful little adventure hidden beneath a lot of tedium just for you. If not, we wouldn’t begrudge you for staying clear and hoping Hundred Heroes doesn’t follow too closely in its predecessor’s footsteps. This game certainly has charm, but it makes you work too hard for it. ( ... cle-rising)
(Übersetzt mit Eiyuden Chronicle Rising bietet einige sehr gute Dinge, darunter ein solides Gameplay und eine tolle Grafik. Rising ist ein spaßiger Appetithappen, um die Welt zu entdecken, die Rabbits & Bear für Hundred Heroes erschaffen haben. Man trifft auf liebenswerte Charaktere und eine attraktive Dorfverwaltung. Auch wenn das Farmen von Nebeninhalten und das Erhöhen der Handwerkskunst nicht immer spannend ist (was an der Schwierigkeit und dem Fortschritt liegt), bleibt das Gesamtbild positiv, zumal Eiyuden Chronicle Rising für einen günstigen Preis und Day One im Game Pass für PC und Konsole geplant ist!
Viktor hat geschrieben:Heh, I'll make sure you can never make that grin again. I'll chop you up! Grind you up! Dry you in the sun! Break you to pieces! Bury you in the ground! Piss on you! Then I'll dig you up! Pull you! Stretch you! Drag you around! And then, and then, in any case, I'll never forgive you!!!
Beiträge: 4145
Registriert: Mo 22. Mär 2010, 00:24
Lieblings-Suikoden: Suikoden II
Lieblingscharakter: Mukumuku ^_^
Quiz-Punkte: 13
Wohnort: Ruhrgebiet

Re: Pressestimmen & Reviews

Beitrag von Antimatzist » - 85/100 (
(I really hate comparing one game to another in games criticism. But, with anything Eiyuden Chronicle, it’s inevitable. We’re all hoping for the next Suikoden with Hundred Heroes. To be clear, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is not working on that level. But it doesn’t need to. It does get one part of Suikoden just right: the feeling of progression as you build a community. Taken for what it is, a wonderful little townbuilding Metroidvania-like title, it’s stellar. Time will tell if Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is truly necessary before playing Hundred Heroes, but it stands tall as a delightful little game all on its own. ) - 8/10 ( ... le-rising/)
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is a game that will definitely grow on certain people. At first, I was underwhelmed by its basic combat and linear structure. But the cast and the visuals worked as a calming salve as I delved further in and started to unlock those aforementioned mechanics. Combat does get more interesting, and exploration, while limited to a handful of dungeons, becomes more open-ended than the initial setup. You might need a little fortitude to get past that point, but the juice is worth the squeeze — and at $15, it’s not a big gamble.
Twinfinite - 4/5 ( ... ng-review/)
At the end of the day, it is quite impossible to look at Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising without thinking ahead to Hundred Heroes. On its own, it is a capable action-JRPG that looks great, with solid combat and platforming to keep players distracted from completing repetitive quests, but as part of the larger universe, it lays an inviting foundation for what is to come with well-realized characters amid a larger unfolding conflict. And as someone hoping for that Suikoden magic to be recaptured, New Neveah becomes an irresistible world to spend time in.
RPG Site - 7/10 ( ... ing-review)
If Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising had to stand on its own, it would probably only be a forgettable, average RPG at best. Fortunately it doesn't have to, nor was it designed to, as it explicitly places itself as merely an introduction to a hopefully more fully-fledged adventure - one that a certain group of RPG fans has been waiting for for a long time. Considering Rising's more glaring flaws are with its gameplay and not with its characters or writing, I find it still ultimately works well enough as a respectable introduction it set itself to be. Hundred Heroes can't get here soon enough.
Viktor hat geschrieben:Heh, I'll make sure you can never make that grin again. I'll chop you up! Grind you up! Dry you in the sun! Break you to pieces! Bury you in the ground! Piss on you! Then I'll dig you up! Pull you! Stretch you! Drag you around! And then, and then, in any case, I'll never forgive you!!!
Beiträge: 4145
Registriert: Mo 22. Mär 2010, 00:24
Lieblings-Suikoden: Suikoden II
Lieblingscharakter: Mukumuku ^_^
Quiz-Punkte: 13
Wohnort: Ruhrgebiet

Re: Pressestimmen & Reviews

Beitrag von Antimatzist »

siliconera - 6/10 ( ... ch-quests/)
I get the feeling that unless someone is extremely invested in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, they won’t get anything out of Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising. The background it offers for characters like CJ, Garoo, and Isha and the series’ world is great! It’s pretty valuable, in terms of lore and establishing a mood. But the actual experience is average and takes a while to get interesting. It never really hooked me. Rather, it made me want to go back to other games that did it better.
Viktor hat geschrieben:Heh, I'll make sure you can never make that grin again. I'll chop you up! Grind you up! Dry you in the sun! Break you to pieces! Bury you in the ground! Piss on you! Then I'll dig you up! Pull you! Stretch you! Drag you around! And then, and then, in any case, I'll never forgive you!!!